Friday, March 18, 2011

Wheel of Time Fantasy Cast

The Heroes of the Horn

Artur Hawkwing
Sean Bean
Sean Bean is probably one of the most under-appreciated supporting actors of all time. I love him in everything I've seen him in. This guy definitely has what it takes to play a king. I realize that Artur Hawkwing isn't just any king, but Sean Bean has proven that he can handle large roles with power. Someone needs to give him a shot to be the greatest king who ever lived. You may know him from The Fellowship of the Ring, Equilibrium, National Treasure, or Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.


Birgitte Silverbow
Charlize Theron
Birgitte is an important character in the books and I wanted to make sure I got the casting for her right. This is actually one of my proudest castings. Birgitte is described as being tall and thin with long blonde hair. She likes wearing pretty revealing clothes when she is not in her armour. Birgitte is a soldier who becomes a Captain-General and must have a temper. She has to be seen as both the laughing, fun soldier and also the cold, responsible, logical Captain-General. Aeonflux convinced me that Charlize Theron could pull this off. You may also know her from The Italian Job or Mighty Joe Young.


Gaidal Cain
Danny Trejo
The lover of Birgitte. Gaidal Cain is often described as being ugly and carrying two swords. He will not be in it much but I think Danny Trejo will play a perfect role in the attack on Falme and at the Last Battle. Below is a fan interpretation of Gaidal Cain which I liked. You may know Danny Trejo from Machete or Spy Kids.


Rogosh Eagle-Eye
Anthony Hopkins
The final Hero of the Horn who I decided to cast is Rogosh Eagle-Eye. Often described as older but alert, I decided on Anthony Hopkins. Yes, he can play good guys too! You may know him from The Mask of Zorro, the movies in the Hannibal series, and The Wolfman as well as the upcoming movie Thor.

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