Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Man 2

Long-awaited. This movie was supposed to have come out in 2009 but was pushed back for more than one reason. I was hoping it would be better than the first since the first was an introduction to the Iron Man character, but this movie was a continuation of that. In addition, SHIELD hijacked the film and made it more of a set-up for the Avengers than an actual Iron Man film. Having said that, the action was amazing, it was nice to see War Machine. Scarlett Johansen did excellent in my opinion. Gweneth Paltrow also did an amazing job. After the first movie I was still unsure about her but she pulls it off in this second movie well. The largest complaints concern the villains in the show. Hammer was simply annoying and Rourke was good visually, but terrible in every other way. I gave this movie a seven out of ten and it only received that because of the action scenes.

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