Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mistborn Fantasy Cast

Alright!  It is about time I put together a fantasy cast for Mistborn.  It would be near as detailed as my Wheel of Time cast but it will still be fun!  I will possibly add/change things frequently as I think about this more.

Vin - This was not a tough choice.  Ellen Page has been floated around as a potential for Vin ever since the book came out and I have never thought of anybody else to play her.  Ellen would do an excellent job.

Elend - I struggled to choose this character.  Elend is my favorite character in the books and I had a few people in mind.  Eventually I chose Freddie Highmore although he might be too old now to pull it off.

Kelsier - Again, this is someone that many people have talked about for playing Kelsier.  Nathan Fillion is a great choice.  Kelsier is a fun-loving, go with the flow type of guy and sort of eccentric.  Nathan Fillion fits this bill perfectly.  I would be open to other choices, but I am all for this happening.

Kelsier - I know a lot of people are going to be haters and I'm generally not a big Tom Cruise fan but I just think he could pull off Kelsier.  Bouncing from serious to spontaneous with a touch of crazy.  I just think he could pull it off well.

Marsh - I am definitely open to different suggestions on Marsh but I think that Christopher Eccleston could pull it off.

Breeze - Perfect.  Just take a look at his role in MI3 to see his pompous attitude. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a great choice to play Breeze.

Clubs - I was thinking Jason Statham could play either Ham or Clubs but eventually I settled on Clubs because I think the personality matches better.

Spook - Honestly, I don't know if he could pull it off but I always imagined Spook kind of like this picture of Logan Lermon.  Again, kind of unsure about this one but I'm gonna stick with it for now.


  1. When I have a second, I'll look this over and give suggestions!

    Your Vin is perfect btw


  2. I really like Ellen Page as Vin. I also think Emma Watson could work since she's tiny like Vin is and she's a good actress, but she might be to old by now. That's the problem with Vin, is that a lot of the good actresses that could play her are too old. I've also heard people talkin about Chloe Grace Moretz for her, which I could see being good. I also think Michael Fassbender would make a good Kelsier, or maybe Guy Pierce.

  3. Oh, I forgot, Joseph Gorden Levitt as Elend would be AMAZING!

  4. I think spook should have a little more anonymity to him. He isn't that big of a role and should be thought of as an extra. I'm not so sure about Nathan Fillion just because of all the action. Tom Cruise would be a better choice.

  5. Randomly stumbled onto're clearly a genius. PSH as Breeze is brilliant, and I've always thought Ellen Page is a great Vin.

  6. I was just surfing around the net when I saw your post. And though Ellen Page is a great actress she is just too old to play Vin. And also Vin is really skinny unlike Ellen Page.
