I have never been to Timberline but I am so glad I had the opportunity. I had a great physical, emotional, and spiritual week with the staff and participants up there. Timberline really does work magic on people. I know it did for me.
Saturday - In the afternoon I arrived at camp after a rainstorm had just ended. We spent the time preparing for the participants and setting up camp. This was the only night that we got plenty of sleep!
Sunday - On Sunday we had the rare opportunity to attend church in our Class A scout uniforms. We only stayed for sacrament meeting but we learned a lot about adversity. Little did we realize we would be facing quite a lot of adversity the very next day.
Monday - The day started off just fine and as the participants arrived we got them playing games and getting to know each other. We also had a few lessons, including mine. I was prepared for it, but after having seen the other scoutmasters present their lessons, I wish I would have done it a lot differently. The downside is that it starting pouring rain that afternoon during the lessons. It rained so hard that some of the tents were getting flooded so some of the staff had to go out and dig ditches. It was pretty miserable but we tried to keep the boys in good spirits. That night some of the staff had a very fervent prayer that we would be able to have good weather for the rest of the week. It was one of the most powerful prayers I have ever been a part of and let me just spoil the surprise right now. Our prayer was answered. It did rain the following two nights but only lightly and during times where we didn't need to be outside.
Tuesday - It was a long day, especially when it came to the lunch planning challenge when the boys got pretty frustrated but then we got to make water balloon catapults and the boys were able to launch hundreds of water balloons at the staff members. The boys had a great time and as soon as we were done with our activity it started raining. That night we also got to watch a great movie called October Sky. I love that movie and it seemed like a lot of the boys really learned a lot from it.
Wednesday - This day was jam-packed with fun! The kids did a round robin with 6 or 7 teamwork activities. It was hilarious to watch the boys fumble their way through the activities and it was also inspiring to see them work together to accomplish greatness. That night we did a mock disaster where the boys had to react as quickly as they could to what they thought was a real ax accident. Afterward we taught them how to create fake wounds. As you can imagine, they loved that!
Thursday - By far the best day. Wednesday was pretty fun but Thursday was fantastic. The boys learned how to use GPS coordinates to find geo caches that the other patrols had hidden. Later on they hiked to a location using their GPS and camped there for the night. Each patrol held a devotional that night. I was with the Purple Ninja patrol and it was an intensely spiritual experience. One of the boys shared a scripture about rising up from the dust from 1st Nephi and later on I bore my testimony about that scripture and what the boys were accomplishing at Timberline. Later that night the staff had a testimony meeting and that was also pretty powerful.
Friday - The last full day was a lot of clean-up but we also had a few lessons and by the end of the day we sent the boys on a commitment trail that was the culmination of what we had been trying to teach them all week long.
Saturday - The boys parents were able to come pick up their kids and got to see a lot of what the boys did at Timberline. They were very proud of their boys and they definitely had a right to be.
Having been to Timberline I can testify that there is no better camp within the scouting program to prepare young men to be leaders in their own lives and the lives of others. Timberline will help them be better men, better missionaries, and better fathers and husbands. I saw these boys grow so much from day 1 to day 6. They were completely changed. Apart from their own lives, they also changed my life and I will be forever grateful for that. Also, a huge thanks to the staff for making this week possible and a big thank you to Ryan Finch for asking me to be on staff this year.
Thank you!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Lake Powell Trip
First off let me say a big thank you to Heather Taylor, Cheryl Taylor, and Roger Taylor for inviting me on this trip, a thank you to Aubrey Sorensen for going on the trip with me, and a thank you to RJ Taylor and his friends for making the trip happen. I have never been to Lake Powell before and it was absolutely amazing.
The first day, apart from boating of course, we got to see come pretty fantastic scenery, including Rainbow Bridge. It was a short hike to the bridge and well worth it. We got some great pictures and there was even a dinosaur footprint there too.
We also explored a cool cave one day with the boats and went swimming inside of it.
The second day we drove A LOT to get across the entire lake. We wanted to see the Anasazi ruins at a place called Defiance House. It was very cool although a lot of it was obviously restored.
It was an amazing experience and I will definitely take any opportunity I ever have to go back and visit Lake Powell. If you want to see more pictures of my trip check out my Facebook album.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Mistborn Fantasy Cast
Alright! It is about time I put together a fantasy cast for Mistborn. It would be near as detailed as my Wheel of Time cast but it will still be fun! I will possibly add/change things frequently as I think about this more.
Vin - This was not a tough choice. Ellen Page has been floated around as a potential for Vin ever since the book came out and I have never thought of anybody else to play her. Ellen would do an excellent job.
Elend - I struggled to choose this character. Elend is my favorite character in the books and I had a few people in mind. Eventually I chose Freddie Highmore although he might be too old now to pull it off.
Kelsier - Again, this is someone that many people have talked about for playing Kelsier. Nathan Fillion is a great choice. Kelsier is a fun-loving, go with the flow type of guy and sort of eccentric. Nathan Fillion fits this bill perfectly. I would be open to other choices, but I am all for this happening.
Kelsier - I know a lot of people are going to be haters and I'm generally not a big Tom Cruise fan but I just think he could pull off Kelsier. Bouncing from serious to spontaneous with a touch of crazy. I just think he could pull it off well.
Marsh - I am definitely open to different suggestions on Marsh but I think that Christopher Eccleston could pull it off.
Breeze - Perfect. Just take a look at his role in MI3 to see his pompous attitude. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a great choice to play Breeze.
Clubs - I was thinking Jason Statham could play either Ham or Clubs but eventually I settled on Clubs because I think the personality matches better.
Spook - Honestly, I don't know if he could pull it off but I always imagined Spook kind of like this picture of Logan Lermon. Again, kind of unsure about this one but I'm gonna stick with it for now.
Vin - This was not a tough choice. Ellen Page has been floated around as a potential for Vin ever since the book came out and I have never thought of anybody else to play her. Ellen would do an excellent job.
Elend - I struggled to choose this character. Elend is my favorite character in the books and I had a few people in mind. Eventually I chose Freddie Highmore although he might be too old now to pull it off.
Kelsier - Again, this is someone that many people have talked about for playing Kelsier. Nathan Fillion is a great choice. Kelsier is a fun-loving, go with the flow type of guy and sort of eccentric. Nathan Fillion fits this bill perfectly. I would be open to other choices, but I am all for this happening.
Kelsier - I know a lot of people are going to be haters and I'm generally not a big Tom Cruise fan but I just think he could pull off Kelsier. Bouncing from serious to spontaneous with a touch of crazy. I just think he could pull it off well.
Marsh - I am definitely open to different suggestions on Marsh but I think that Christopher Eccleston could pull it off.
Breeze - Perfect. Just take a look at his role in MI3 to see his pompous attitude. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a great choice to play Breeze.
Clubs - I was thinking Jason Statham could play either Ham or Clubs but eventually I settled on Clubs because I think the personality matches better.
Spook - Honestly, I don't know if he could pull it off but I always imagined Spook kind of like this picture of Logan Lermon. Again, kind of unsure about this one but I'm gonna stick with it for now.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Underworld Awakening

Kate Beckinsale + vampires = yes. The fourth installment of the Underworld saga was violently great. I would probably give it about an 8.
This fourth movie follows up where the second one left off. The humans have finally caught on to the fact that there are lycans and vampires around them and have "purged" what they could. I thought this was a great twist because I've always wondered what would happen if humans caught on to the supernatural things going on around them in a lot of movies. The lycans and vampires were treated like a zombie outbreak or something and I thought it was fantastic.
For those of you who don't like violence stay away. It is by far the most bloody and violent movie out of the 4. There is one part where Selene breaks a guy's arm and the bone comes out of his arm. It says the F word twice but there is no nudity in this one (I think there was in the 2nd one).
Overall it was my favorite Underworld movie. It moved a lot faster than any of the other three and it wasn't boring like the 2nd movie. It was left pretty open so it is possible that another Underworld might be on the way in the next few years. Hey, I'll take Kate Beckinsale over Kristen Stewart as a hot vampire any day.
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