I have to say that I expected more out of this movie. After Eclipse, which I thought was brilliant (see my review) I thought the Twilight Saga movies had finally taken a turn for the better. Unfortunately, Breaking Dawn Part 1 harks back to the bad acting, shallow plot, awkward blocking, and poor characterization of Twilight and New Moon, in fact surpassing Twilight and taking the title of worst movie in the Twilight Saga. Overall I give it a 4 out of 10.
Right from the beginning I could tell that Breaking Dawn wasn't going to fit well with the rest of the series. The director chose to create odd scenes that really didn't fit with the rest of the series.
In Eclipse, the directors focused on characterization and because of that, the plot naturally flowed. In Breaking Dawn it fell like they focused on plot and forgot the characters (the most important part) and because of this the plot felt haphazard and forced.
Bella was flat and emotionless throughout most of the movie, but it was most noticeable at the wedding. She seemed forced and it really made it hard to connect with Bella at all.
The scene where the wolves were all talking to each other and Jacob creates his own pack was not done very well and that was really a shame since it is one of the climaxes of the story.
I expected them to do very well with the birthing/transformation scene since this director seems to enjoy presenting shocking and/or surprising shots. It was pretty gory, but again they failed to capture the emotion of what actually was going on in the book. They talked about a delicate balance between getting Renesme out and changing Bella but when it came down to it Edward almost ignored Bella until she was already dead. I was okay with them changing the storyline a little to integrate Jacob into the birthing scene but the fact that they butchered it made me upset anyway.
I expected them to do a horrible job with Jacob's imprint on Renesme and I was dreading the moment but when it happened I was happy with it. It wasn't too cheesy and they didn't drag it out too long. This was probably one of the best scenes in the entire movie (sadly).
The nudity was not necessary for little kids to see and it did nothing to further the plot.
On a superficial note: If you are going to make a crappy movie at least have some hot chicks in it. Bella was pretty nasty the whole time and Alice lost her pixie-like allure with her poor new haircut and bossy/mommy attitude.
In short, we already know that Breaking Dawn Part II will be better since it can't get much worse than that. Besides, Alec and Jane (two of my favorite characters) will be there. Breaking Dawn was my favorite book in the series and I hope they wrap up the ending of this series better than they started it.
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