I will admit, I was not looking forward to this movie very much. After the disappointment of the second movie I wasn't sure I would even go see it. Alas, fate had something else in mind for me and a friend invited me to go. It actually wasn't as bad as the second movie but is was still kind of awful. I am giving it a 6. First I will cover the big, overarching things that they got wrong then we can talk about a few little things. I will say it was pretty cool how they used actual footage from Kennedy and Nixon's presidencies as well as casting Obama and Buzz Aldrin as themselves.
Plot was a lot better in this movie than in the second one but it still could have been better constructed. It seemed like they just threw characters in at random when they didn't have to. However the biggest problem (same as in the second movie) was that the producers and writers must have been confused about what kind of movie they were making. The first Transformers had a great plot line, great action, and it was funny. The two sequels were crudely strewn-together comedies with action going on in the background. A LOT of scenes were simply thrown in to get a cheap laugh and did not further the plot or characterization AT ALL. (The action was fun to watch though).
A few little things:
What the heck with the colored blood/liquid crap oozing from wounds that the transformers get? Apparently they didn't bleed at all in the first two but 2011 hit them all like Y2K or something and changed their genetics to have blood. Whatever.
The girl's accent was pretty annoying.
As much as I love John Malkovich and Ken Jeong and as funny as they are . . . all they did was detract from the film.
Last but not least, the redhead general who died in the first movie is back again! He was in the second movie too. Since nobody believes me about this I have attached a video for your viewing pleasure. Nobody survives the attack on Qatar except the small team. Yet the general magically does. Hmmm . . . continuity issues people.
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