In preparation for a Memorial Day work party I joked about bringing Mormon jello because we had been talking about the billboard in Provo that proudly features green jello and carrots with the slogan "Some things just go together." I figured that I might as well learn to mix green jigglyness with vegetables and fruits someday since I will inevitably be expected to make it at some point. Heather was brave enough to volunteer to help me give birth to my first jello conglomeration.

First we had to dissolve the jello mix in a few cups of hot water then mix in some cold water. We figured it would be a good idea to wait a little while until putting the fruit in (we used bananas and pineapple). I am still working on when to put the fruit in (the bananas all floated to the top rather than being suspended) but I think I have the basic idea of Mormon jello-making down thanks to Heather, the creators of the instructions on the jello box, and a lady at the grocery store who told us how much of the mix we would need. It tasted delicious and I can't wait for my next jello experience.
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