As you may or may not know, the covers for the books in the Artemis Fowl series have been redone. I am not a particular fan of either cover in general and I understand that the new covers probably have a greater appeal to young readers but I am upset that they did not make the decision to publish all of the books under the old covers. Below you can see an example of the old cover vs. the new cover.
Now, I would not normally be so upset, but the series was unfinished when they decided to make this decision. This means that the most recent release, Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox, only has the old cover if you purchase the hardback copy. I collect paperbacks and therefore can't purchase this book to complete my set. The seventh book, tentatively set for release at the beginning of August this year, will not be released with the old cover either.
I could not let this travesty occur without comment.
LOL, man I wish all I had to worry about was stuff like this ;)