Sunday, May 16, 2010
New Words
If Shakespeare can do it then so can everyone else. A returned missionary spoke in church today and accidentally combined the words dramatic and drastic. The result was dramastic. I hereby support using this word.
The Official Rules of Calling Shotgun
I saw a post on facebook regarding the rules of Shotgun and I decided to make a few modifications. This is how we do it in our family but I would appreciate comments/stories/notes on facebook regarding the way you do it. I copied the rules of the post I saw but I will modify them with angry red text wherever wrong.
1. The shotgunner must be in clear sight of the car, and shotgun can be called regardless of whether the driver is in sight of the car.
2. If you are the first to be picked up on a journey you are automatically given shotgun. You retain this position for the entire journey, unless you violate rules 11, 16, 22 or any other rules stipulating the loss of shotgun.
3. You cannot declare shotgun if someone has previously declared shotgun for that journey.
4 When simultaneous shotgun is called, there is then a foot race to the passenger side door from all the people who called.
5. Shotgun cannot be called whilst inside a building (unless you are in a multi-story or underground car park!) Disagreed. As long as you can see the car and you are the way toward it you may call shotgun, even if you are inside of a building.
6. Shotgun cannot be called in advance, only whilst on the way to the car for the journey.
7. Once shotgun has been called the driver has the option of a reload. The driver yells "reload" and this means that all previous calls of shotgun are void and the first person to call shotgun again gets the seat. This is helpful if the driver really doesn't like the person who first called shotgun. It is often used when there is a simultaneous call and the driver is unsure of the outcome. Note that a shotgun has only 2 barrels so a reload can only be called once. I have never heard of this before and it is completely ridiculous. If the driver doesn't like the person who called shotgun they have any and all power to change whenever and however many times they want to.
8. Once shotgun has been called for the front seat then back left and back right can be called. This effectively leaves the slowest person to travel in the middle. I suppose this is true but I have never run into this problem before.
9. Because everyone is created equal, men have he same right to the front seat of the car as women (ie women don't own the front seat!). Disagreed. If a woman wants the seat, they get it. If there are more than one woman whoever calls shotgun first gets it. If a man is already in the front seat when a woman is picked up then the man does not have to relinquish shotgun unless the woman and the driver are dating. If the woman and man are related then women do not get preference.
10. If the regular driver of the vehicle is drunk or otherwise unable to perform their duties as driver, then he/she is automatically given shotgun.
11. Once the journey has begun, the driver is the obvious controller of the tunes. However if they feel the road requires their full attention, or they simply cannot be arsed any more, the duty is passed to the shotgunner. However, putting on crap tunes or allowing for silence when the iPod finishes a song then the driver has the right to relegate the shotgunner to the back seat. (I modified the end of this one).
12. Anyone calling shotgun must have his or her shoes on. This is to stop people running outside and calling shotgun, then having to go back inside to put their shoes on and slowing the journey. This is known as the Shoe Rule. The person does not have to have their shoes on, but they must have them in their hand. If they must go back indoors for any reason then they lose shotgun.
13. Shotgun overrules Dibs, Baggsies and other girly calls! Shotgun is the only valid call. If any other call is made then it is void.
14. Despite the debate, shotgun CAN be used to shotgun things other than the front seat (eg back left, back right, women, not going to answer the door, etc). Never used it in any sense except riding in cars and therefore this rule does not affect me.
15. When traveling with a couple, one of the couple MUST shotgun the front. No one wants to chauffer two of their mates whilst they are in the back all over each other. Disagreed. If people don't want to sit in the front seat then they don't have to.
16. If someone has successfully called shotgun, they have the right to the front seat. They do not have the ight to correct the driver on their navigation skills ("take a left here you moron!) or driving ability ("I'd be in third gear if I was driving"). If the passenger does this, then they forfeit their position as shotgun holder. While annoying, shotgun driving is allowed unless the driver states otherwise.
17. If someone says, "what's shotgun?" after it has been called then they have to walk.
18. If the shotgunner attempts to open the door just as the driver is unlocking it and jams the lock half open so that the driver needs to lock it and unlock it again, the shotgunner forfeits their position. This is known as shotgun suicide. Never heard of this before and it is not valid in my car.
19. The holder of shotgun assumes the responsibility for all gate opening, off license nipping into, takeaway ordering and question asking. He/she is in essence the copilot and therefore the enforcer of behavior in the vehicle and exacter of slaps/punches/water spraying/ bag throwing at the passengers in the back.
20. Automatic "couple's rights act 1997". This law states that, if the driver is the boyfriend/girlfriend of a passenger in the car, this person has the right to the seat of their choice.
21. If one of the potential occupants of the vehicle is dressed (convincingly) as a pirate then they are given automatic shotgun. In the event of more than one pirate being present, a sword fight shall determine the successful shotgunner. This is known as The Pirate Rule. I have never heard of nor enforced this rule before but it is a good one and I am adopting it.
22. When driving past a woman walking a dog, everyone in the car must shout out the window, "who's walking who?" It is the shotgunner's responsibility to spot potential heckling. Deciding who to "SCIENCE!" is also the responsibility of the shotgunner.
23. When riding in a 2 or 3 door car, it is the responsibility of the shotgunner to allow rear passengers in and out of the back of the car, NOT THE DRIVERS!! Regardless of the weather conditions.
24. Obviously the previous rule on the subject didn't clarify things completely with everyone coming up with a new rule that overrules shotgun. NOTHING overrules shotgun. Shotgun is final and cannot be overruled!!!!
25. It is the successful shotgunner's responsibility to be on the lookout for any police and/or speed cameras. If the shotgunner doesn't spot a speed camera and this results in a speeding ticket it is immediately their fault and not the driver's.
26. The driver hold all power and can suspend, amend, violate, or change any rule of shotgun at any time for any reason however the driver who does this too often or on a regular basis will not gain and does not deserve the respect and/or obedience of their passengers.
1. The shotgunner must be in clear sight of the car, and shotgun can be called regardless of whether the driver is in sight of the car.
2. If you are the first to be picked up on a journey you are automatically given shotgun. You retain this position for the entire journey, unless you violate rules 11, 16, 22 or any other rules stipulating the loss of shotgun.
3. You cannot declare shotgun if someone has previously declared shotgun for that journey.
4 When simultaneous shotgun is called, there is then a foot race to the passenger side door from all the people who called.
5. Shotgun cannot be called whilst inside a building (unless you are in a multi-story or underground car park!) Disagreed. As long as you can see the car and you are the way toward it you may call shotgun, even if you are inside of a building.
6. Shotgun cannot be called in advance, only whilst on the way to the car for the journey.
7. Once shotgun has been called the driver has the option of a reload. The driver yells "reload" and this means that all previous calls of shotgun are void and the first person to call shotgun again gets the seat. This is helpful if the driver really doesn't like the person who first called shotgun. It is often used when there is a simultaneous call and the driver is unsure of the outcome. Note that a shotgun has only 2 barrels so a reload can only be called once. I have never heard of this before and it is completely ridiculous. If the driver doesn't like the person who called shotgun they have any and all power to change whenever and however many times they want to.
8. Once shotgun has been called for the front seat then back left and back right can be called. This effectively leaves the slowest person to travel in the middle. I suppose this is true but I have never run into this problem before.
9. Because everyone is created equal, men have he same right to the front seat of the car as women (ie women don't own the front seat!). Disagreed. If a woman wants the seat, they get it. If there are more than one woman whoever calls shotgun first gets it. If a man is already in the front seat when a woman is picked up then the man does not have to relinquish shotgun unless the woman and the driver are dating. If the woman and man are related then women do not get preference.
10. If the regular driver of the vehicle is drunk or otherwise unable to perform their duties as driver, then he/she is automatically given shotgun.
11. Once the journey has begun, the driver is the obvious controller of the tunes. However if they feel the road requires their full attention, or they simply cannot be arsed any more, the duty is passed to the shotgunner. However, putting on crap tunes or allowing for silence when the iPod finishes a song then the driver has the right to relegate the shotgunner to the back seat. (I modified the end of this one).
12. Anyone calling shotgun must have his or her shoes on. This is to stop people running outside and calling shotgun, then having to go back inside to put their shoes on and slowing the journey. This is known as the Shoe Rule. The person does not have to have their shoes on, but they must have them in their hand. If they must go back indoors for any reason then they lose shotgun.
13. Shotgun overrules Dibs, Baggsies and other girly calls! Shotgun is the only valid call. If any other call is made then it is void.
14. Despite the debate, shotgun CAN be used to shotgun things other than the front seat (eg back left, back right, women, not going to answer the door, etc). Never used it in any sense except riding in cars and therefore this rule does not affect me.
15. When traveling with a couple, one of the couple MUST shotgun the front. No one wants to chauffer two of their mates whilst they are in the back all over each other. Disagreed. If people don't want to sit in the front seat then they don't have to.
16. If someone has successfully called shotgun, they have the right to the front seat. They do not have the ight to correct the driver on their navigation skills ("take a left here you moron!) or driving ability ("I'd be in third gear if I was driving"). If the passenger does this, then they forfeit their position as shotgun holder. While annoying, shotgun driving is allowed unless the driver states otherwise.
17. If someone says, "what's shotgun?" after it has been called then they have to walk.
18. If the shotgunner attempts to open the door just as the driver is unlocking it and jams the lock half open so that the driver needs to lock it and unlock it again, the shotgunner forfeits their position. This is known as shotgun suicide. Never heard of this before and it is not valid in my car.
19. The holder of shotgun assumes the responsibility for all gate opening, off license nipping into, takeaway ordering and question asking. He/she is in essence the copilot and therefore the enforcer of behavior in the vehicle and exacter of slaps/punches/water spraying/ bag throwing at the passengers in the back.
20. Automatic "couple's rights act 1997". This law states that, if the driver is the boyfriend/girlfriend of a passenger in the car, this person has the right to the seat of their choice.
21. If one of the potential occupants of the vehicle is dressed (convincingly) as a pirate then they are given automatic shotgun. In the event of more than one pirate being present, a sword fight shall determine the successful shotgunner. This is known as The Pirate Rule. I have never heard of nor enforced this rule before but it is a good one and I am adopting it.
22. When driving past a woman walking a dog, everyone in the car must shout out the window, "who's walking who?" It is the shotgunner's responsibility to spot potential heckling. Deciding who to "SCIENCE!" is also the responsibility of the shotgunner.
23. When riding in a 2 or 3 door car, it is the responsibility of the shotgunner to allow rear passengers in and out of the back of the car, NOT THE DRIVERS!! Regardless of the weather conditions.
24. Obviously the previous rule on the subject didn't clarify things completely with everyone coming up with a new rule that overrules shotgun. NOTHING overrules shotgun. Shotgun is final and cannot be overruled!!!!
25. It is the successful shotgunner's responsibility to be on the lookout for any police and/or speed cameras. If the shotgunner doesn't spot a speed camera and this results in a speeding ticket it is immediately their fault and not the driver's.
26. The driver hold all power and can suspend, amend, violate, or change any rule of shotgun at any time for any reason however the driver who does this too often or on a regular basis will not gain and does not deserve the respect and/or obedience of their passengers.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Robin Hood
I was not expecting this movie to be great and it definitely was not. I gave it a solid 5. The casting was terrible except for a few minor characters and Lady Marion. I actually liked the way they played with the Robin story but the acting was not particularly good and the storyline was extremely flat. Even the action was rather less impressive that I expected. The best part of the movie, ironically, was the end; not because it was over, but because the end credits are creative in my opinion. Beginning and ending with text was also not a stroke of brilliance I thought.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Iron Man 2
Long-awaited. This movie was supposed to have come out in 2009 but was pushed back for more than one reason. I was hoping it would be better than the first since the first was an introduction to the Iron Man character, but this movie was a continuation of that. In addition, SHIELD hijacked the film and made it more of a set-up for the Avengers than an actual Iron Man film. Having said that, the action was amazing, it was nice to see War Machine. Scarlett Johansen did excellent in my opinion. Gweneth Paltrow also did an amazing job. After the first movie I was still unsure about her but she pulls it off in this second movie well. The largest complaints concern the villains in the show. Hammer was simply annoying and Rourke was good visually, but terrible in every other way. I gave this movie a seven out of ten and it only received that because of the action scenes.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
New Artemis Fowl Covers
As you may or may not know, the covers for the books in the Artemis Fowl series have been redone. I am not a particular fan of either cover in general and I understand that the new covers probably have a greater appeal to young readers but I am upset that they did not make the decision to publish all of the books under the old covers. Below you can see an example of the old cover vs. the new cover.

Now, I would not normally be so upset, but the series was unfinished when they decided to make this decision. This means that the most recent release, Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox, only has the old cover if you purchase the hardback copy. I collect paperbacks and therefore can't purchase this book to complete my set. The seventh book, tentatively set for release at the beginning of August this year, will not be released with the old cover either.
I could not let this travesty occur without comment.

Now, I would not normally be so upset, but the series was unfinished when they decided to make this decision. This means that the most recent release, Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox, only has the old cover if you purchase the hardback copy. I collect paperbacks and therefore can't purchase this book to complete my set. The seventh book, tentatively set for release at the beginning of August this year, will not be released with the old cover either.
I could not let this travesty occur without comment.
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