I know it has been a few days. So sue me. I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides Thursday night at the Orem theater and even though most of you have probably already seen it, I decided to do my review.
Overall I gave the movie an 8.5. I struggled with how I should grade this movie because it was not very good as a sequel but it was entertaining as a stand alone movie. Even though I hate Penelope Cruz I think she did an excellent job and so did most of the other actors. For some reason I was mostly just annoyed with the priest. There were very few things which harked back to the first trilogy. I think that was a smart move. This movie was funny without needing to take everything from the first movie and reusing it. I think that Jack should have "lied by telling the truth" at the end of the movie with the two cups simply because it would have been a funny joke considering that Cruz's character had done that to him earlier in the movie. I don't know why the writers didn't take that easy joke but whatever. Overall, I would buy it and watch it multiple times which is much more than I can say for the 2nd installment in this trilogy.