Mockingjay receives a C+ from me and only that by virtue of it giving me at least a bit of closure from the series.
From the beginning it felt like I was reading New Moon again. The depressing funnel only continues as the book goes on. I caught a brief glimpse of hope when they went to the district 8 hospital, but unfortunately the author chose to continue her boring display instead of giving the book some actual passionate action. I will admit that once Katniss takes command of the unit in the capitol it was interesting for a while, but then the author cops out again and doesn't let us see the taking of the palace. It was almost as if I was reading a great story, but being held at a distance and not allowed to participate in any of it.
There have been books in the past where the main character was not my favorite, but I generally still like the books. This series took me from the Hunger Games where I loved Katniss to Catching Fire where she was still fantastic, to this. All I could think the whole time I was reading it is that I wished it was not in first person so I could see some of the other (i.e. more interesting) character's viewpoints. This is not the way to create a hero.
The end was not satisfying. I knew who Katniss would shoot at the end. Even after she returns to District 12 nothing satisfying happens. The last six pages or so of a book are supposed to give the reader a sense of fulfillment, an emotion that was completely lacking in Mockingjay.
Everybody has probably already heard all of this from me but it would be wrong not include a section about Gale in this review. I have loved Gale's character from the very beginning. In book 2 I started to worry about him but he completely redeemed himself in this book. The only thing that made this book bearable was reading about Gale. I want to make a note right here that I LIKE PEETA'S CHARACTER TOO. As a Gale fan, everybody always accuses me of hating Peeta, but I don't. I would have been okay with Katniss choosing Peeta, but she DIDN'T CHOOSE HIM! The author copped out AGAIN and made the choice for Katniss. The complete lack of a formal realization that Peeta was better for her was appalling. The tension of the love triangle was the only thing that kept the story energized most times and this total disregard was probably the single largest reason why the end had no satisfaction.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is that I would still recommend this series to anyone because the first book is so amazing. I still stand by the position I took after Catching Fire. Even though the 2nd book was still entertaining and interesting, The Hunger Games should have been a standalone book.
(Having said all this, I will still go see the movies when they come out because I'm a sucker for books that become movies.)