It has been about a week since I've seen this movie but I am just getting around to writing the review now. The movie is at a semi-solid 8. It probably would have been a 7 if I hadn't seen the original. Let me explain.
Tron Legacy had a sense of nostalgia but it felt more like a premier than a sequel because of the many years that have passed since the original came out and the leaps in cinematography and special effects since then. This included not only the casting of Bridges as Flynn but also the references to Tron and, of course, the games.
I won't say that the special effects were fantastic, but they were fun to watch and the light cycles were pretty cool. I want one.....
I have heard a lot of complaints that people were bored during the movie. I could see how this could happen. The plot isn't necessarily slow, but I think the fact that they are in a virtual world slows it down because the viewer is unfamiliar with everything that shows up. I thought it was just fine.
The actor they chose to play Sam was great. He played his part well and I think he showed the corresponding emotion for the corresponding scene.
The largest failing of the movie was the end. I will not spoil it for anyone, but I think the "reintegration" of Flynn and the digital Flynn could have been less destructive, perhaps trapping Flynn in the grid forever or something like that.
If you liked Aeonflux then you would probably like this film.